Our Case Studies

Real results from real clients

Case Study 1: Shapewear / Activewear

"We've hit a ceiling - we can't spend more"

The problem:

The client came to us with the concern of not being able to spend more than $10-13k a month on Google – they thought that they’ve reached a ceiling, although on Meta Ads they’ve been consistently raising spend every month.

What we did:

Starting with making sure that the foundation is set up correctly (conversion tracking, feeds, product information), etc. we already saw lots of work to be done.
After fixing conversion tracking, setting up remarketing tags, and proper feed optimization (optimizing images, titles, and uploading reviews), we managed to get the Shopping Ads performance to increase, without even increasing ad spend – definitely a good sign.

However, their main concern was increasing spend, therefore we opened up the top of the funnel by not only going for the “lowest hanging fruits”, but going for cold audiences using YouTube Ads.


After a month of running this setup and consistent optimizations, we managed to increase their spend by 56% while also increasing revenue brought in by Google Ads by 105%, as well as increasing ROAS by 31%.

Now, the foundation of the account is set up correctly, and we are not only going for the bottom-of-the-funnel traffic but also acquiring new customers through TOF with YouTube Ads and other channels.

Case Study 2: Technology

"We need to scale - outbid the competition"

The problem:

The client came to us with great ROAS (high-ticket product, so ROAS were around 8-10x), but at this point, they were ready to invest more into ad spend to outbid the competition and acquire a bigger part of the market share.

What we did:

After the initial backend optimizations (tracking, feed optimization, remarketing tags, account-level settings) we launched a full-scale pMax since the product is very visual and has a lot of assets that work great on Meta Ads.

We excluded brand terms from Performance Max since we want to focus on only new customer acquisition, divided asset groups by product category + a separate audience, and updated all assets – copy, images, videos, etc.

Additionally, we launched supplemental search campaigns – category search that allowed us to target generic product category search keywords, as well as a competitor campaign where we directly target competitors’ brand names since this niche is hyper-competitive and one of the main goals for the client was to increase market share.


In 3 months we went from spending $20k monthly on Google Ads to $35k while remaining in a good place KPI-wise, with very profitable ROAS. We have successfully acquired lots of traffic from competitors (based on the search terms), as well as there is much more room for increasing spend, so this is just the beginning for this client.

Case Study 3: Footwear

"We need to use Google to it's full potential"

The problem:

The client came to us complaining about feeling like the previous Google Ads agency was not proactive and not using Google Ads to its full potential. Spoiler alert – she was right.

What we did:

As always, we started with the foundation – diving deep into the GMC, fixing errors, optimizing feed (uploading reviews, optimizing images and product titles), fixing GTM remarketing tags, re-doing conversion tracking using our method, as well as checking all campaign settings. This is Phase 1, always, way before jumping into the campaigns and making drastic changes.

We did this and already saw an increase in results. After that, we optimized the existing campaigns with new copy, more advanced targeting, and assets (images & video), as well as added supplemental campaigns, as the client also wanted to raise the overall ad spend.


Month-over-month we managed to increase the Conversion Value by 50% while barely lifting the ad spend – 13%. Naturally, the ROAS went up too.

The best part? Most of these are new customers – no branded stuff.

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